What fresh Christmas Hell is this?
Now this is the stuff of nightmares... and years and years and years of therapy. This little girl is destined to grow up to write a scathing tell-all about her wretched, boozy-floozy Mom and her diabolical plan to splinter her delicate psyche.
Seriously. Trailer Trash Barbie Mom... What were you thinking?! Did you not register the uber creepy factor of this Fright Night Santa? Was there no ICK factor red flag raised at the sight of his frightening forehead, because this cat would have sent me into convulsions. EWwwwwwww!! *shudder*
No shit.
He's just one step away from being a Killer Klown from Outer Space, and you all know how I feel about clowns spelled with a "c" or "k". PLUS he's wearing I-don't-want-to-leave-any-incriminating-prints-behind-while-I-chloroform-your-kid-and-stuff-her-in-my-white-panel-van gloves.
Good God, man! Who lets her little precious sit on the lap of this freak show.
But on the other hand, baby girl there looks pretty happy. So what do I know.
Happy Christmas y'all. May your day be freak-show free!