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Monday, January 25, 2010

What Would Pope Benedict Tweet?
or the Popester... embracing social media?!?

Okay, so I think the Apocalypse is nigh. Seriously.

The Pope put out a statement to priests that they must now start blogging and Facebooking to connect with the younger types, as reported in the uber-hip, trend-citing site, Mashable.

No word as to when the Pontiff will open his own Twitter account--I think WWJT (What Would Jesus Tweet) would be a sweet handle for him or maybe PBPopeyPope--but I look forward to the day Ole Benny XVI sports a "Which Mad Men Character Are You?" Avatar.

They're also looking into developing Catholic-specific, "Get Into Heaven Free" iPhone Apps. Social Media fueled Religion. Bizarro World, man.

"Need to work off some indulgences? Yeah... We got an App for that."