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Friday, October 31, 2008

Obsession Loves Company
validating my love affair with Rhett Miller the risk of having Geo roll his eyes completely out of their sockets from disgust, I've found a kindred spirit in my whole (she said "hole") rampant love-for-all-things-Rhett obsession. Her web name is Hola, Isabel! and she is a self-proclaimed stalker Mom. Added bonus--she's funny! There are a couple entries centered around the velvet-tongued boy with the deep blue eyes worth a read Here and Here. She seems like any normal, married woman with children, so there.

Oooo. I am so diggin' this LINK thang! I'm going to have to start linking to just random crap for the halibut. (OMFG! You must, MUST click on that last link. My bud, Beets would love it!) Holy Dingly-Dangs! There are literally over 82 million entries on the internet involving the word "crap"!?! Wow. Who knew? (BTW that last link is for comic lovers.) But I digress....

Back on topic, Geo and I are going to see my fantasy second husband over vacation in December...the gushing will continue ad nausea upon my return--hopefully with photos, perhaps a video and a fun story or two. And maybe an autographed barf bag for Geo. :D

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